Friday, March 18, 2011

Outreach Time Again

Among many, there is a preconceived notion about the word migrant. The only reason I tagged along for this outreach was to support the initiatives my friends had put together for the refugee students at the Assumption Learning Centre in Pudu. Little did I realise I was in for a surprise. The visit was awesome! We had so much fun, laughter, warmth and love going around. I knew the students had as much a good time as I did when one of them asked “Will you be back next week?”. The entire trip was breath-taking and words alone are not enough to express it, not until you experience it yourself. I wouldn’t say it was a life-changing experience but it definitely changed the way I perceived life, through the eyes of a refugee. I will definitely want to go again but this time, not only to support my friends but I look forward to visiting my new friends, the Myanmarese folks. – GERALDINE REMA,(APM)

For upcoming outreach activities contact Donovan (0162789771)

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