Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Journey, Our Hopes & Our Future.....

“The journey with Jesus towards World Youth Day 2011 has been an impactful and fulfilling experience. He gave us Father Philips Muthu who went the ends to make this possible. He gave us a great core team who knew their calling for this one mission. He gave us supporting parishioners who saw our purpose in all we did. Above all, He built the Assumption Church Petaling Jaya banner with a contingent of 137 pilgrims. He provided us with RM96764.60 through our fundraising efforts. He gave us all a beautiful 8 months journey with one another. Now I believe it is our time. We are going to Madrid and coming back to continue the journey of great works Jesus has started for us.  After all, our destination is not Madrid but where our hearts beat - Assumption Church Petaling Jaya.” Irene Lewis (Chairperson, Assumption WYD’11 Team)

‘”To be part of the organizing team is truly a blessed journey and I do not see World Youth Day coming to an end. There were many matters to handle before the launch in November 2010, toiling and hardships throughout the 8-month course, yet, there are gifts to be received and blessed with by the Holy Spirit in Madrid, and more to accomplish when I get back.  As time does not stop, we should not stop and stand still. In returning, I look to encourage the next set of parishioners to step forward and to attend the next World Youth Day; either part of the organizing team or as a pilgrim searching for more. The journey has changed my life and I believe the ‘next journey’ will change  yours. Jesus walks with us everyday, it is our choice to choose to walk with Him." 
Kevin Nicholas (Financial Controller, Assumption WYD’11 Team) 
“I have been on a 7 month journey which has transformed me as a pilgrim to a state where I feel ready to attend World Youth Day in Madrid. The retreats have made me see my faith in a different way and being part of the Assumption Youth Network I feel so blessed that God has introduced me to such a loving and open community. They have showed me a path where I can find peace through God and even in times of struggle He will always be there for us. This community is a true testament to God’s power and I strongly  believe that they are God’s instruments. In Madrid, I want to have an experience which will show me my true calling in life and strengthen my faith. By using the knowledge that I hope to obtain there, I want to be able to reach out to the youths out there and show them how wonderful it is to be part of Gods community and to do His great works.”   
Andrew Paul Raj (Pilgrim, Assumption Church)
"Everything and all we have are pure gifts from God. Our Life, our opportunities, our families, our Catholic Faith are all precious gifts that flows from the love of Jesus. I said YES to God's calling 10 months ago in October 2010 to wanting to experience WYD’11. I decided about this with an open heart and mind, to have FUN WITH THE LORD, to ROCK With Jesus and to Walk with HIM on this journey that awaits me in Madrid. I want to experience HIS love in ways I never have before, come back and share it as my living testimony to others. On behalf of the CDM WYD’11 Pilgrims, we want to thank the Assumption WYD’11 Team for opening your arms, hearts and doors to the 12 of us. God bless all of us for a safe journey.”
Charles Cabrini Armstrong (Chief Coordinator for Single Adults Ministry, Church of The Divine Mercy) 
What has the journey in the last 7 months toward Madrid’11 brought to your life?
This journey has introduced me to a group of people who have grown to be my spiritual gems in the sense that they brought me closer to God through their actions and words. Knowing them has been a blessing especially since they have shown me the meaning of “seeing Jesus in each and every one”.
What do you hope to experience in Madrid?
I would want to witness firsthand the unanimity of the Catholic Church. It would definitely be an amazing sight when you stand in a crowd of people of different ethnicities and nationalities, worshipping our Almighty God, just as we do here in Malaysia.
What do you hope to bring back to your parish/community?
I hope to share my experiences in Madrid or in general, just to share whatever I have or know with people I know or encounter, with the hope that it will reflect Christ’s presence in my life.
Serena Chew (Media Crew, Assumption WYD’11 Team)
After the Weekend Away Retreat, God gave me more confidence and He healed my sins, past and present. After 7 months of preparation, He also told how serious this pilgrimage will be and gave me a glimpse of what is in for me in Madrid. He made me a friend to a lot of people throughout the journey. I am willing to learn more, be more comfortable with myself and also be an example to my aunty who is following me. I love u all. Thank you for being my friends, GBU!!
Sandra Dreisan (Pilgrim, Church of St. Thomas More)

Fore more stories, join Assumption World Youth Day Group group on Facebook.

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