Thursday, August 4, 2011

Planted and Built Up in JESUS CHRIST, Firm in the Faith (St. Paul)

With exactly 10 days to go before WYD'11 in Madrid, pilgrims with Assumption Church and around the world share in the excitement of this gathering. All of us would like to thank you dear parishioners of Assumption Church Petaling Jaya for your generous support and prayers towards our journey to Madrid’11. As we continue on this pilgrimage, we ask that you remember us, the Assumption WYD pilgrims and the international pilgrims in prayer. Your prayers will be with us. If you have any petitions, you can leave them at the parish office or e-mail us at
Come, celebrate with us the WYD’11 Commissioning Mass Sunday 7 August 11:30 am where we will be SENT OUT as pilgrims to Madrid 2011! See you there and God bless
TUNE IN with us and pilgrims around the world, including the Holy Father Pope Benedict 16th at Madrid'11 LIVE COVERAGE via EWTN Global Catholic Network.

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